Ride to Restore


  1. I hereby declare that I have taken up the Ride and Run to Restore Event 2024 of my own accord.
  2. I am aware of and agree to assume any and all risks which might be associated with the Event and I will not hold The Helping Hand (‘THH’) and its officers, or any of its full-time or part-time staff responsible or liable in any way for and will not commence any action arising from the Event, or claim for any loss and/or damage
    (including, without limitation, personal injury and/or property damage) caused by or sustained as a result of my participation in the Event.
  3. I will indemnify THH and keep THH indemnified against all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs, expenses, and any other liability arising in any way from my participation in the above Event.
  4. I declare that I am sufficiently fit physically to participate in the Event and that I have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical professional.


PARENTAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT/WAIVER (Only participants below 21 years old need fill up this section)


I, (refer to participants’ parents/guardian) , Parent/Guardian* of (refer to name of participant), fully understand and appreciate the effect of this Indemnity and Consent Form, and hereby agree to allow him/her* to participate in the Event. I confirm that I am aware that my child will be participating in physical activities during this event. I acknowledge that there are inherent risks associated with these activities, and I accept full responsibility for any injuries or accidents that may occur during my child’s participation. I will not hold THH and its officers, orany of its full-time or part-time staff responsible or liable in any way for, and will not commence any action arising from the Event, or claim for any loss and/or damage (including, without limitation, personal injury and/or property damage) caused by or sustained as a result of his/her participation in the stated Event. I will indemnify THH and keep THH indemnified against all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs, expenses, and any other liability arising in any way from his/her participation in the above Event.