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Join us in our ride/run/walk to
raise funds for The Helping Hand


Support an individual participant
or team


All donations will support our effort
to transform lives

A Heartfelt Thank You from Ride and Run to Restore 2024

Dear Participants, Donors, and Sponsors,


As the dust settles on another remarkable year for Ride and Run to Restore, we wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who played a part in making this event an inspiration success.


Your unwavering support, dedication, and generosity have been the driving force behind our mission to renew strength and restore lives. Together, we have raised over $120k and also fostered a community bound by compassion and solidarity.


To our participants, your determination and spirit have inspired us all. Whether you rode, ran, or walked, your commitment to our cause has left an indelible mark on the hearts of those we serve.


To our donors, your contributions, both big and small, have made a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and families in need. Your generosity has provided hope where there was once despair and light where there was darkness.


To our sponsors, your partnership and support have been invaluable. Your belief in our vision and willingness to stand by us have enabled us to amplify our impact and reach even greater heights.


Together, we have proven that when we come together as a community, there is no obstacle too great to overcome. Your collective efforts have touched the lives of countless individuals, offering them hope, healing, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.


As we reflect on the journey we have taken together, we are filled with gratitude for each and every one of you. Thank you for your unwavering commitment, your boundless generosity, and your steadfast belief in our mission. It is because of you that Ride and Run to Restore continues to be a beacon of hope for those in need.


With heartfelt thanks,

Dillon Ng
Head of Partnership & Outreach
The Helping Hand


I feel this workshop allow the participants to feel that cycling can help them take their mind off their old habits and have an opportunity to socialize with new positive group of people.
This is very impactful for ex-offenders as they get to experience something differently compared to what they are currently doing in the halfway house.
Great impact! Saw that they felt very accomplished for completing the 5 weeks workshop and receiving the certificate at the end of it boosted their confidence level and determination to want to change for the better.
Several of them were reluctant to say goodbyes - they would like to have more of it and also have monthly cycling session.
These workshops play a crucial role in providing ex-offenders with the support and resources necessary in their reintegration journey.
They are able to learn new knowledge about bikes and cycling. Also they are able to know there are people out there who are really keen to welcome back to society.
I can feel their enthusiasm when they are given a chance to use what they learnt during the workshop on the practical session and they said the workshop and the ride makes them want to stay clean so that they can continue participating.
The thank you response given to the volunteers by the residents proved that they truly benefited from the overall experience. Definitely there are takeaways for both residents and volunteers during the period, plenty of uncertainties. But all these were conquered together upon the completion of the 37km ride.”
I want to say that I’m grateful for the Break the Cycle volunteers who gave their time to come here for the past 6 Saturdays to give us lessons, and The Helping Hand for giving me this opportunity. I learnt about the different types of bicycles, to identify and fix if there are issues with bicycles, and also about road safety while cycling. But the most valuable thing that I’ve learnt from Break the Cycle and The Helping Hand is that even though we as ex-offenders face many obstacles, there are people in society who will be there supporting us.

Not all who wander are lost.

Join The Helping Hand in this meaningful activity aimed at restoring the confidence of ex-offenders and helping them
integrate holistically into society.


The Ride & Run to Restore 2024 is a fundraiser to celebrate the 37th anniversary of The Helping Hand. Participate in this exciting and meaningful fundraiser to commemorate 37 successful years of transforming the lives of ex-offenders.
You can be the cornerstone of those who seek a fresh beginning!

Event Detail

Registration Period

Now till 31 Mar 2024
23:59 GMT +8

Fundraising Period

Now till 30 Apr 2024
23:59 GMT +8

Challenge Period

Now till 30 Apr 2024
23:59 GMT +8

Actual Physical Event @ The Helping Hand on
6 April 2024
There is a cycling challenge which can be performed outdoors from
anywhere in the world.
All you need is a Strava account!

Total Cumulative Distance

Sign up today and challenge yourself to be longest distance cyclist/runner, or form a team of 3 paxs - 7 paxs to win the Best Team Price for the longest distance accumulated!

Top Donor

Support your participant with the biggest donation and win attractive prizes.

Top Individual Fundraiser

Be the participant that raises the biggest donation and win attractive prizes.

SPECIAL thanks

Support THH Ride & Run To Restore 2024 Now!

Show your support for our participants by donating generously